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About Design Better

Design Better co-hosts Eli Woolery and Aarron Walter explore the intersection of design, technology, and the creative process through conversations with inspiring guests across many creative fields. Whether you’re design curious or a design pro, Design Better is guaranteed to inspire and inform. 

“Design Better is sharp, to the point, and full of incredibly valuable information for anyone looking to better understand how to build a more innovative world.”
—Vanity Fair

“If you want to flex your boss muscle, subscribe to the Design Better podcast.”
—Architectural Digest

"Loving the selection of creative leaders, the insights they bring from prolific careers and the curiosity of the podcast producers. A great resource for all designers, creatives and entrepreneurs to enjoy!"
—Paul, Design Better listener

"Insightful and entertaining. The guest speakers are a who's who of the most creative and impactful design thinkers around. I love the fact that the Design Better podcast weaves together all of the different threads of design inspiration and process, ethics, inclusiveness, and relevance to things that people don't always think of as being design-related. It's a great lens into how intentionality and experience shapes design, and how intentional design, in turn, shapes our experiences."
—Brook, Design Better listener

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featured episodes

Take a look at what's inside

Featured Episodes
Ellen Lupton: Thinking with Type
Jonathan Hoefler: Typography legend on type history, philosophy, and entrepreneurship
Autumn Durald Arkapaw: Cinematographer for Wakanda Forever and Loki on the overlap between design and photography
Paola Antonelli: How design shapes culture
Tycho: The soundtrack for creative work
OK Go: Making the impossible possible
More Episodes
Brian Tyler, composer for Yellowstone, Crazy Rich Asians, Mario Brothers, and more, on his creative process
+ 123 more episodes

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